Monday, January 18, 2010

Justification 1.3.

The software i will be using is Garage Band 09. I will be downloading a lot of new sounds for the software. Plus I will be using a macbook for this because macs have that software. The sounds I will mostly be using are rock music such as guitars, drums...and so on. I am planning to make is a rock album, with no lyrics though. Garage Band is probably the most reliable software of making music that I know of. On Garage Band I will be using loops which is not recording your own music, you just have to grab the sounds and music from the sides and then drag it into the main section and then you can keep moving the differents short music clips and remix around and seeing which one suits your needs. That is why I am using Garage Band because it is a very smooth reliable software. Providing this ICT software is very easy instead of making your own recordings and listening to it, because in this you dont need know how to play an instrument and you can easily make you own song in about 10 minutes. Plus you can put a lot of different sounds. As I was saying that you can download sounds that other people made from of the web. So there are a lot of advanteges to using this software. Thats why using ths ICT software of making the product is so much easier.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Subject : Rock Album

I will be starting a new idea, I will be making a rock album. The software i am going to use is garage band. The target for this will be anyone who is interested in rock music obviously. My client for this will be James Huang.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I am making the football website. My target audience is for anyone who is intrested in football, my client for this project will be James Huang. Though i still need to find a good software.